「破冰2020」香港當代藝術展 : 林鳴崗 Lam Man Kong


“Breakthrough 2020 – Master of Art in Hong Kong”

由香港天趣當代藝術館隆重推出的《破冰2020》香港當代藝術展於2020年12月31日順利開幕,七位香港學術中堅 林鳴崗 及朱達誠、林天行、呂豐雅、王守清、沈平、許恩琦的50余件佳作在這個特殊時期予以我們堅韌的生命力和溫暖的治愈力

“Breakthrough 2020 – Master of Art in Hong Kong” grand opened on 31st December 2020 at Art of Nature Contemporary Gallery, showcasing 50 artworks from 7 most distinguished artists in Hong Kong including Lam Man Kong and Chu Tat Shing, Lam Tianxing, Eddie Lui, Wong Sau Ching, Shen Ping, Hui Yan Ki, delivering the vitality and warm healing power to us during this special period.

展出時間 Exhibition Duration:2020.12.31 -2021.03.10

展覽地點 Venue:香港天趣當代藝術館 Art of Nature Contemporary Gallery
21/F, Mega Trade Centre,1 Mei Wan Street, Tsuen Wan, Hong Kong

展覽時間 Opening Hours:
星期一 至 五:上午10時 至 晚上7時
Monday to Friday: 10am to 7pm
星期六:上午10時 至 晚上6時
Saturday: 10am to 6pm

注:法语歌曲是“风沙卷走我们”(“大浪淘沙”之意)。这是 2017年魁北克一个“爵士”音乐队的翻唱版




2020年在不知不覺中已接近尾聲,年初突如其來的全球公共健康危機暴露了我們原本日常生活的脆弱性,卻也在某種程度上可能讓我們更珍視從前被忽視的感受。後疫情時代下的香港,艱辛與挑戰紛至遝來,在這個特殊時期,藝術作為文化的載體和精神需求更突顯其重要性。天趣將於12月31日推出2020年的最後一場展覽「破冰2020——香港當代藝術展」,展期至2021年3月10日。 是次展覽將邀請多位在香港藝術學術德高望重的藝術家們——朱達誠、林天行、呂豐雅、王守清、沈平、林鳴崗、許恩琦等共同參與。破冰,希翼突破艱冰,迎接春暖花開時

此次展出的作品或繪製於疫情嚴峻時期,或雖為過往精品之作,但於此時卻更能體悟出特殊的新力量。我們希望這些在嚴峻時期裡對外界的觀察和內心的自省,以及獨特的審視目光和感受,能在這嚴峻時期予以民眾更多精神力量,誓破冰封,以煥發新的生命重生。並希望透過是次展覽探索當下甚至未來香港當代藝術的發展。 與此同時,更希望在我們的共同堅持下,進一步令香港甚至國際的學術界、重要媒體和收藏市場對我們香港的藝術更加關注和重視,更期待疫情下被禁錮的消費力和內迴圈的驅動力將為我們的精品展帶來不一樣的驚喜!天趣誠邀您前來,在這個特殊的年份感受藝術堅韌的生命力和溫暖的治愈力

“Breakthrough 2020″ – Master of Art in Hong Kong

2020 is drawing to a close in a burst. The sudden global public health crisis at the beginning of the year exposed the fragility of our daily life, but somehow it may also make us cherish the feelings we neglected in the past. In the post-pandemic era in Hong Kong, we still have to face hardships and challenges. In this special period, art plays an important role as the carrier of culture and spiritual needs. Art of Nature Contemporary Gallery proudly presents “Breakthrough 2020” as the last exhibition this year on 31st December 2020.The exhibition can be viewed until 10th March 2021.

This exhibition will showcase artworks from 7 highly respected artists in Hong Kong, including Chu Tat Shing, Lam Tianxing, Eddie Liu, Wong Sau Ching, Shen Ping, Lam Man Kong, and Hui Yan Ki. Breakthrough the coldness and welcome the warmth of spring. The artworks showcased in this exhibition were created during Covid-19 or those created in the past but filled with new meaning. We hope with the observation of the outside world and self-examination, as well as the intense scrutiny and feelings can rejuvenate the people with strength.




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