「巴黎‧年華」林嗚崗油畫個展 Days in Paris – Lam Man Kong






Lam Man Kong’s solo oil painting exhibition, Days in Paris grand opened on 31st May, 2019, surrounded by the artistic atmosphere of the Le French May. Free admission to the exhibition from now until June 30.

The exhibition shows one of the most important collection which depicts the different views and seasons of the Notre Dame de Paris. Showing the beauty as well as a grief for the recent fire of the Notre Dame.

During the thematic discussion, architect Mr. Feng Jian depicted the history and the future of the Notre Dame de Paris and artist Mr. Lam shared his art and travel experience when he was in Paris.

展出時間 Exhibition Duration:2019.05.31 -2019.06.30

  • 展覽地點 Venue:香港天趣當代藝術館 Art of Nature Contemporary Gallery
    21/F, Mega Trade Centre,1 Mei Wan Street, Tsuen Wan, Hong Kong

    展覽時間 Opening Hours:
    星期一 至 五:上午10時 至 晚上7時
    Monday to Friday: 10am to 7pm
    星期六:上午10時 至 晚上6時
    Saturday: 10am to 6pm

  • 注:法语歌曲是“风沙卷走我们”(“大浪淘沙”之意)。这是 2017年魁北克一个“爵士”音乐队的翻唱版

    香港商務及經濟發展局副局長 陳百里 先生



    「巴黎‧年華」林嗚崗油畫個展 Days in Paris



    《巴黎聖母院》油畫組畫: 春
    《巴黎聖母院》油畫組畫: 夏
    《巴黎聖母院》油畫組畫: 秋
    《巴黎聖母院》油畫組畫: 冬

    Lam Man Kong is honored as the 3rd generation distinguished France-residing artist, “humanistic artist “and “single-mindedpoet”. Lam has been an artist for nearly 50 years. During his 30-year stay in France, he spent his time flitting from Paris and other cities, and those natural and human landscapes inspired his creation. From the beautiful scenery in Paris countryside to vivid portraits, the artworks showcased in this exhibition are the record of Lam’s daily life in Paris. Especially the Notre Dame de Paris series, where Lam invested a lot of time, efforts and immense zeal. This series absorb the modelings of Classism, as well as the colors from Impressionism, which deserveto be the masterpiece among similar works. While Paris is “A moveable feast” to Ernest Hemingway, Lam has a more keen observation and direct feelings to this city. Color is applied delicately in his works and contributes to the rich flavor of life and poetic quality. Different from the idea of other contemporary artists, Lam advocates expressing inner feelings instead of emphasizing abstract concept. Only the artworks with personal emotions could have lasting charm, which will not be washed out by history, just like the Paris he portrayed.

    Lady in Red, Oil on canvas, 73x92cm, 2002
    French Smoker, Oil on canvas, 80x80cm, 2004
    Czech Old Town at Dusk, Oil on canvas, 30x40cm, 2016


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